Are you new to our i-banking Service?

Table of Contents

- Office Hour
- Service Charges
- Future-dated Transactions
- Transaction Security and Acknowledgement
- Transaction Handling by Customer / Account Features
- Fund Transfer
- Fixed Deposit
- Bill Payment
- General Information of Securities Trading Service
- Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime (HKIDR)
- Hong Kong Securities Trading Services
- China Connect Securities Trading Services
- U.S. Securities Trading Services
- eIPO
- Currency-Linked Deposit
- Investment Funds
- Statement Request
- Cheque Book Request
- Stop Cheque
- Insurance Plan (For Personal Customers Only)
- Online Remittance Service
- Flexi Saver
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Device Binding and Security Code
- Security Device
- CNCBI Token
11 Biometric Authentication Login
14 Open API
15 FPS Scam prevention alert


1.1 Can I enjoy the i-banking service?
  Our service is eligible for all personal banking customers who have registered his/her Hongkong Identity Card or Passport number with China CITIC Bank International.
1.2 Do I need to register banking account before accessing the i-banking service?
  All i-banking customers with personal identity are able to view all his/her banking account at one glance, without pre-registration.
1.3 How do I register for i-banking service?
  You can use any of the following authentication credentials to register for i-banking at our website or inMotion:
i. Visit any of our branch to apply for a PIN mailer
ii. ATM card account number and PIN
iii. Phone banking master account number and PIN
iv. Credit card account number and PIN
v. Hong Kong Identity Card (“HKID”) and selfie (applicable to inMotion only)

You are required to input your mobile number registered at the bank to complete i-banking registration. A SMS one-time password (“OTP”) will be sent to verify your mobile number and please ensure you can receive SMS with your mobile number. Please also note that even if you have activated the SMS forwarding service for your mobile number, the SMS will not be forwarded to another phone number.

If you need to change your mobile number at bank record, please visit any of our branches.

1.4 What identity number I should key in for first time registration?
  Please input the customer identity number (e.g. HKID or passport number) you registered with China CITIC Bank International Limited.

1.5 How do I set my own Login ID and create my own password?
  After you have completed the authentication, you are free to set your own Login ID and Password, which will apply only to the i-banking transactions.

Your Login ID should contain 6 - 15 characters and/or numbers; and must be different from your new Password.

Your password should contain 8 - 16 characters with letters and numbers; should not use repeated or sequential numbers; and must be different from your Password used at the first registration.

Please note that the Login ID and Password are case sensitive.


2.1 Which languages are available on the i-banking?
  Our site offers you the wide range of functions and services in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
2.2 What services are available on i-banking?
  You can enjoy our many and varied online services, including but not limited to:
· Account One View (including Deposits, Loans, Credit Card, Investments and Insurance accounts information)
· Balance Enquiry and Transaction History
· Fund Transfer
· Buy/Sell Foreign Currency
· Remittance
· Bill Payment
· Set-up of forward-dated instructions for your Transfers, Bill payments and Deposits
· Service requests such as Stop Cheque, Statement Request and Cheque Book Request
· Set-up of new Time Deposit Accounts
· HK Stock Trading
· eIPO
· HK Stock Order Confirmation Alert
· US Stock Trading
· Set up Currency-Linked Deposit
· Investment Funds
· Open Multi-Currency Statement Saving Account
· Open Securities Trading / Investment Account
· Online application of Credit Cards
· Investor Risk Analysis
· Check Deposit Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate
· Make Appointment with Mortgage Specialist
· Online Calculator for Loans and Deposit
· Set Transaction Limits
· Change email address/ mobile number/ address
· Flexi Saver currency switching
2.3 Can I access the i-banking service overseas?
  You may access our i-banking services anytime anywhere, providing you have Internet access with proper and secure set up of hardware and software.
2.4 What should I do if I lose the i-banking Password before the first registration?
  Please call (852) 2287 6767 immediately to report incident or request assistance at any of our branches
2.5 What should I do if I forget the i-banking Login ID or Password?
  You may retrieve your login ID or reset the password via inMotion or i-banking using any of the following authentication credentials:
1. Customers with “device binding and security code” activated – You can input your security code to retrieve login ID or reset password.
2. Customers with ATM Card or/and phone banking service – You can use your ATM card account number and PIN, or your phone banking master account number and password to retrieve login ID or reset password.
3. Customers opened bank account with Hong Kong Identity (HKID) card – Through inMotion, you can scan your HKID card and take selfie for identity authentication following the instruction to retrieve login ID or reset password. For your protection, a review process will be conducted upon password reset and during that period of time, you are able to access to i-banking services with temporarily restriction on performing certain transactions/functions. You will be notified through SMS and email once the review is completed and the relevant restrictions will be lifted.
4. Customers with Credit Card only – You can use your credit card account number and PIN to retrieve login ID or reset password.
5. You may visit our branch for assistance if failed to use the above means.
2.6 Can I change or reset my password through hotline?
  For security reason, our staff cannot read nor verify your password. Therefore, our staff will not ask your password or resume your existing password without face to face verification.
2.7 Why my i-banking account is being suspended?
  When you cannot login our i-banking service with correct Login ID and password in consecutive 4 attempts, we will suspend your account instantaneously.
You can call our hotline (+852 2287-6767) to unlock your i-banking account. Or you can reset the password via inMotion, at our website or visit any of our branches for assistance.
2.8 What is the "Frequency to change password"?

In order to protect your account, we suggest you changing your password once at least 6 months. You may set the frequency of password change alert as every 3 months or 6 months.

2.9 What should I do if I suspect someone else know my password?
  You should change the password and check your account balance immediately. If there is any unauthorized transaction(s) have been done, please call our hotline at (852) 2287 6767.
2.10 What should I do if I suspect any unusual or unauthorized account access to my i-banking service?
  You should call our hotline at (852) 2287 6767 immediately.
2.11 How do I change my Password?
  After logging in to our i-banking Service, click "My Profile" and then select "Change Password". Once finish the password change, you will receive an instant online message to confirm your new password is ready for use.
2.12 What should I do if my i-banking account is always being suspended by unsuccessful login attempts?
  Your Login ID may be too simple to guess or to type incorrectly. We suggest you changing your Login ID that combined with letters and numbers that is not easy to guess.
2.13 I have already set my own Login ID, may I change it again?
  You may visit your nearest branch to change your Login ID.
2.14 Is there any daily transaction limit for the Fund Transfer Service, Remittance Service and Bill Payment Service?
  You may login the ibanking service and review your respective transaction limits for the Fund Transfer Service, Remittance Services and Bill Payment Service thru > “My Online Setup” > “Set Transaction Limits”.
2.15 Can I update daily transaction limit?
  You can update your daily transaction limit in “My Online Set Up” > “Set Transaction Limits”. To increase transaction limit, you will be required to conduct two-factor authentication to perform the instruction.
2.16 Which services will be impacted when I change/delete my Email address/ mobile number?
  The change of email address/ mobile number will be taken effect immediately. That means, all alerts to be sent after your change will deliver to your new Email address/ mobile number.

2.17 Why do I receive SMS notification for reminding me to update the email address registered in i-banking?
  It is because the eStatement/eAdvice email notification fails to deliver due to invalid email address. To ensure you can receive email notification, SMS notification would be sent for reminding you to update your email address.
2.18 Why do I find the message for reminding me to update email address after I log in to i-banking?
  It is because the eStatement/ eAdvice email notification fails to deliver due to invalid email address. Reminder message would be shown for reminding you to update your email address after you log in to i-banking.
2.19 Is there any impact for me if I do not update the email address after received SMS notification of "Update Email Address?
  The bank may cancel your eStatement subscription and deliver the next statement/advise to you by mail. If customer would like to receive eStatement, we highly recommend you to update your email address immediately and subscribe to use eStatement service again.
2.20 Why certain transactions is restricted after I registered i-banking or reset password using HKID card on inMotion?
  For your protection, a review process will be conducted for i-banking service registrations or reset password using HKID card. During that period of time, you are able to access to i-banking services with temporarily restriction on below transactions:

  • Transfer funds / remittance to 3rd a party account(s) other than performing small-value funds transfer
  • Pay to merchants under certain categories
  • Update email address/ mobile number/ address at bank record
  • Bind the account to WeChat
  • Confirm a eDDA
  • Reactivate a dormant account

  • You will be notified by SMS and email once the review is completed and the relevant restrictions will be lifted.


    3.1 What kinds of product will be displayed in the pie chart?
      You may find a latest market value summary for your Deposit and Investment accounts.
    3.2 Any special meaning of the character display next to the account number in the Account Summary?
      A symbol will display next to the account number if the account is dormant, inactive or unredeemed CD or club account. You may refer to the definition by clicking the hyperlink of "View Account Status" at the bottom of the One View page.
    To reactivate your dormant account, you may simply click “Re-activate Dormant Account” under the dormant account you wish to activate and follow the steps to complete reactivation process via inMotion or i-banking. Or you can visit any of our branches for assistance.
    3.3 Can I inquire all my insurance policies on the i-banking service?
      If your policy is a life insurance issued by Manulife (International) Limited and it is in-forced, you may enquire the policy details on the i-banking service.

    Insurance policy data provided on the i-banking service is provided by Insurance Company on weekly basis and for indication purpose only. You may refer the data Last Update Date under the insurance product table for reference and should always check with Insurance Company for your latest policy status.

    3.4 What is the "Mode Premium"?
      "Mode Premium" listed in your insurance related web pages refers to the premium in accordance with the payment frequency (Payment Mode) you selected. For example, if your policy is paid monthly, then the Mode Premium represents the monthly premium of your policy.
    3.5 Why can't I view all my insurance policies bought through your bank in My Accounts?
      Right now, only insurance policies underwritten by Manulife (International) Limited are available in your account summary. If you want to get information of your insurance policies underwritten by other insurers, please visit our branches or call our Hotline at (852) 2287 6788
    3.6 I made some changes on the policy information recently, why the information in My Accounts is not updated?
      Your policy information was updated on the date specified at the bottom of your insurance related web page. There is always a possibility that your change request have not been processed at the time we refresh the data. If you want to check the status of your change request, you are welcome to visit our branches or call our General Banking Hotline at (852) 2287 6788.

    3.7 I want to get more detail information of my policy/request to change my policy details, what should I do?
      Please visit any of our branches or call our Hotline at 2287-6788.
    3.8 I am a CITICfirst Standby Secured Overdraft Facility customer. How can I view different balances in Standby Secured Overdraft Facility account and other related account(s)?
      Please click here to view the details.


      Office Hour
    4.1 Will I be restricted to use different functions at different times of the day?
    Our i-banking Service operates 24 hours a day, except some transactions. Please refer to the service hour table:

    Our i-banking Service operates 24 hours a day, except some transactions. Please refer to the service hour table:

    Transaction Weekdays Sat Sun & Public Holiday
    (A) Account One View 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (B) Fund Transfer      
    - to same name account 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - to other name China CITIC Bank International account 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - to other bank account 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - to non-registered account 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (B) Foreign Currency Transfer      
    - foreign exchange (either debit or credit in HKD) Monday 08:00 to Saturday 13:00 Public Holiday: Follows Mon to Sat
    Sun: -
    - future date/standing instruction foreign currency transfer 24 hrs 24hrs 24 hrs
    (C) Remittance      
    - apply remittance 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (D) Fixed Deposit*      
    - open new fixed deposit account 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - change maturity instruction 09:30-17:00 9:30-13:00 -
    (E) Bill Payment**      
    - pay bills 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (F) Manage Cheque      
    - cheque status enquiry 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - stop cheque 09:00-22:00 09:00-18:30 -
    - cheque book request 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (G) Stock Trading      
    - order status enquiry 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - portfolio enquiry 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - order placement - - -
    Pre Opening Session:
    - at-auction limit order
    #Random Matching Period:9:20-9:22
    - -
    Continuous Trading Session:
       i) enhanced limit order
       ii) odd lot selling order placement
       iii) take profit/ stop loss order placement
       iv) conditional order placement
    09:00-16:00 - -
    Closing Auction Session:
    - at-auction limit order
    * Random Closing Period:16:08-16:10
    - -
    - stock quote 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    - price alert placement 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (H) Currency-Linked Deposit      
    - set up new Currency-Linked Deposit 09:00-18:00 - -
    (I) Investments Funds*** 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (J) Statement request      
    - reprint statement 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
    (K) Flexi Saver      
    - currency switching 09:30-20:00 09:30-18:00 -

    *Our service hours of Time deposit account opening is:
    For HKD Time Deposit: 24 hours daily
    For non-HKD Time Deposit:
    Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 8:00pm.
    Please note that opening of non-HKD time deposit in online banking is not available on Saturday and public holidays.

    **Bill payment service is cut off at 16:30 from Mondays to Fridays. After cut off time, we accept requests on future dates only.

    ***The dealing day and cut off time of Investment Funds service are Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays and special holiday (e.g. Typhoon)) and 15:15. Any order submitted on a non-dealing day or after the cut off time on dealing day will be processed on the next dealing day.

      Service Charges
    4.2.1 Do I pay extra charges for i-banking transactions?
      There is no additional fee involved in making transactions on i-banking service.
    4.2.2 How do you charge for the banking services?
      Refer to "Bank Fees & Charges Schedule"
      Future-dated Transactions
    4.3.1 When will standing instruction be processed?
      Standing instruction will be processed in the early morning on the day you selected in the instructions.
    4.3.2 How can I know whether the standing instruction is processed successfully or not?

    You can enquire the Internet transaction record through our online transaction history for fund transfer, bill payment and fixed deposit account opening services.

    Or you can activate the confirmation alert email when you place the instruction. Then, we will send an alert email to you once we have processed your transaction instruction.

    4.3.3 May I modify or cancel the standing instruction online?
      You may cancel your standing instruction at any time before we execute your instruction on the scheduled date. However, no modification is allowed.
      Transaction Security and Acknowledgement
    4.4.1 How do I know whether the transaction is successfully completed or not?
      If the transaction is successfully completed, you will see a confirmation message on screen. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

    A unique reference number will be generated as record of transaction. Customer can make enquiries with this number through branch or General Banking Hotline.

    4.4.2 What is “Daily Transaction Limit”?
      "Daily Transaction Limit" is the daily accumulated transaction amount of all transactions of transfer, remittance and bill payment. Your transaction cannot be processed if the transaction amount would cause the daily accumulated transaction amount goes beyond the daily maximum limit.
    4.4.3 Is the transaction completed successfully when the status is "Time Out"?
      Most probably, there is a connection problem when you have a "Time Out" transaction status. You may check the transaction balance and transaction history online to confirm whether the transaction is completed or not. However, we will not process your bill payment transaction if this instruction is time out. The bank will arrange a refund to your debit account on the next business day if necessary.
      Transaction Handling by Customer/Account Features
    4.5.1 I have checked the account balance in the Account Summary page and the account should have sufficient fund for transaction. Why does the system fail to complete my transaction request due to insufficient fund?

    In the account summary page, we display the ledger balance instead of available balance. Ledger balance means the transaction records have been booked in the account. Sometimes, the balance booked may not be available for use, such as cheque in deposit from other bank.

    In the transaction request page, you may click the hyperlink of "Check available balance" to get the updated value of ledger balance and available balance at your convenience.

      Fund Transfer
    4.6.1 Is there a limit for the number of fund transfer payee registered in branch? Can I register a fund transfer payee online? And what is the daily transfer limit?

      There is no limit on the number of payee(s) registered via branch.

    You may register a new payee online. You will be required to conduct two-factor authentication to perform the instruction during payee registration.

    Transaction transferring to a registered payee is subject to “Transfer to registered payee(s) limit” and “Daily aggregate transfer limit”. You can go to "My Online Set-up” > "Set Transaction Limit" to view and update your transaction limit.
    4.6.2 Are there any service charges for funds transfer to other bank account? What should I note when I use account number to transfer funds to other local bank?
      No service charge for transferring funds to other bank account.

    If you use account number to transfer funds to other local bank, please note that the receiving bank may have name checking on the payment received. Please input account name which is matched with the account name in receiving bank, otherwise, the transaction may be rejected by receiving bank.
    4.6.3 What is "FPS"?
      "FPS" stand for Faster Payment System. A new payment service provided by Hong Kong Interchange Clearing Limited (HKICL), it is a cost effective, safe, efficient and widely accessible channel for all banking customers to send and receive payments on real-time basis.
    4.6.4 What is the difference between "FPS" and CHATS?
      "FPS" (Faster Payment System):
    - 7x24 real time transfer.Payee will receive the payment immediately if the receiving bank/company supports real time payment
    - supports transfer in HKD and CNY to other "FPS" service providers

    CHATS (Clearing House Automated Transfer System):
    - It allows the transfer of funding to other bank's account on the same day, provided that the application is submitted before the cut-off time
    - supports HKD transfer to other local banks (note: You can use Remittance service to remit funds to other local banks with for the following currencies: CNY, EUR or USD)
    4.6.5 What is the minimum transaction amount for scheduled and recurring instruction of foreign exchange?
      The minimum transaction amount is HKD 100 or its equivalent.
    4.6.6 Is there any confirmation on the foreign exchange rate when I make a cross currency funds transfer?
      We will display the latest exchange rate on the confirmation page and it will be refreshed if the exchange rate changes with a pop up message for reconfirmation.
    4.6.7 Can I transfer to non-registered payee?
      You can transfer funds to someone without prior registration. Except small-value funds transfer, transaction transferring funds to a non-registered payee has to be authenticated by two-factor authentication.

    Transaction transferring to a non-registered payee (except small-value funds transfer) is subject to “Transfer to non-registered payee(s) limit” and “Daily aggregate transfer limit”.

    If the transfer amount does not exceed your available small-value funds transfer limit, the transfer will be first deducted from the small-value funds transfer limit instead of transfer to non-registered payee(s) limit.

    The “Transfer to non-registered payee(s) limit” defaults to zero. You need to increase your daily limit prior to any transaction. If you did not perform any transfer to non-registered payee(s) (except small-value funds transfer) for 12 months, such transaction limit would be reset to zero.
    4.6.8 What is "Small-value funds transfer?
      Small-value funds transfer is a service that allows you to transfer up to HKD 10,000 without prior registration of payee. You will be required to activate this service at the first time you use it. For further customer protection, stepped-up authentication may be required from time to time when you make a small-value funds transfer (e.g. the first time you transfer to a payee).

    Small-value funds transfer transaction is subject to “Small-value fund transfer limit” and “Daily aggregate transfer limit”.

    If you have not activated this service or the transfer amount exceed your available “Small-value fund transfer limit”, system will proceed the transfer by using “Transfer to non-registered payee(s) limit”.
    4.6.9 How can I disable the service of transferring to non-registered payee(s)?
      If you don’t want to transfer to non-registered account, you may simply set the transaction limit of "Transfer to non-registered payee(s)" as zero and not activate the “Small-value funds transfer” service.

    If you need to deactivate the “Small-value funds transfer” service, please change your settings under "My Online Set-up" > “Small-value Transfer Settings”.
    4.6.10 Will my payee receive the payment immediately using "FPS"?
      Yes, payment via "FPS" will be real time if the receiving bank/company supports real time payment processing; otherwise, the payment will be made on the same day or next day.
    4.6.11 How will I receive the confirmation alerts for fund transfer?
      If you have submitted a fund transfer instruction via i-banking, confirmation alert will be sent to your latest email address registered with the bank. If the instruction is to complete a small-value fund transfer or a transfer to a non-registered payee, SMS alert will also be sent to you.

    Moreover, if you have registered our “WeChat Account Binding” service, an additional alert will be sent to you via WeChat.
    4.6.12 What are daily transfer limits and can I adjust my daily transfer limits?
      The daily transaction limits related to Transfer include:
    1. Transfer to your own account(s) at China CITIC Bank International
    2. Transfer to registered payee(s)
    3. Transfer to non-registered payee(s)
    4. Small-value funds transfer
    5. Daily aggregate transfer limit (including transactions of “Transfer to registered payee(s)’, “Transfer to non-registered payee(s)” and “Small-value funds transfer”)

    If you need to update daily transaction limits, please access "My Online Set-up” > "Set Transaction Limit".

    Please be reminded that you will be exposed to additional risk of unauthorized transaction after increasing limits. You are recommended to review your transaction limits regularly and make adjustment to fit your needs.
    4.6.13 Can I use mobile number or email address as payee and to makepayment?
      Yes, if your payee has registered Addressing Service via any "FPS" service provider, you can make the payment by inputting your payee's mobile number or email address.
    4.6.14 What is FPS Identifier?
      FPS Identifier is a unique random number generated by HKICL FPS associated with the account of a customer of a FPS service provider.
    4.6.15 How to prevent mistakes when sending a payment instruction?
      Users should verify the payment details, including the payee’s name, receipt number (Account number/Mobile number/email address/FPS identifier) and the amount, before sending a payment instruction.
    4.6.16 I am trying to recover a payment I sent to the wrong account. What should I do?
      Please contact the beneficiary directly to request return of the money. If you are unable to contact the beneficiary, please contact us, we will provide assistance as appropriate.
    4.6.17 If the beneficiary reject to return the fund, what should I do?
      Please seek for independent legal advice.
    4.6.18 What are the consequences if I do not return the mis-transferred fund?
      Please return the fund to payer when the fund is mis-transferred. If you do not return, payer may take relevant action on you and you may be liable.
      Fixed Deposit
    4.7.1 Is there any confirmation on the fixed deposit rate when I open a time deposit account online?
      The latest deposit rate will display before you confirm the transaction. When the rate changes, we will pop up another message to reconfirm.

    If you are going to open a future-dated Time Deposit account, we will not provide you the deposit rate at the time you place the instruction and the latest deposit rate will be applied at the moment of transaction execution.

    4.7.2 Do I have any confirmation when I have completed a Fixed Deposit account opening online?
      You will receive an acknowledgement page with Internet reference number and time deposit reference number after account opening. In addition, a Time Deposit advice will be delivered to your mailing address by post within 7 working days.
    4.7.3 What is the minimum amount of fixed deposit account opening?
      The minimum amount of fixed deposit account opening for different currencies are as follows:
    Currency Minimum Transaction Amount
    HKD 10,000
    CNY 10,000
    USD 1,500
    EUR 1,500
    GBP 1,000
    JPY 200,000
    CAD 2,000
    AUD 2,000
    NZD 2,500
    CHF 2,000
    SGD 2,500
    NOK 10,000
      Bill Payment
    4.8.1 When I submit a bill payment request, why the status still display as "Transaction in Progress"?
      · As we will send your payment request to merchants through EPSCO during day end, you will find your payment status in "Transaction in progress" before we receive the confirmation from EPSCO. Please enquire your latest payment result on the i-banking service.
    · If it is special holiday (e.g. Typhoon), the actual payment date will possibly be delayed.
    4.8.2 What are the main features of the bill payment service in the i-banking?
      · The bill payment service is powered by EPSCO that covers over 500 merchants in a wide range of services.
    · Majority of the merchants in the bill payment service accept payment by credit card
    · We accept future-dated and recurring payment instruction
    · Both bill payment reminder and confirmation alert email will be sent upon your request
    4.8.3 Can I pay the bill by credit card? Is there any additional service charge?
      You can pay your bill by credit card and you may also enjoy the benefits such as bonus earning from online payment to selected merchants. Please refer to the merchant list in the bill payment page.
    4.8.4 How to settle the credit card payment?
      · You may settle the CNCBI credit card through Fund Transfer transaction
    · If it is a payment to other bank's credit card, you may pay it through the Bill Payment service
    4.8.5 How can I check whether the bill is paid on time?
      You may check the bill status in the Online Transaction History page to view the transaction final status and transaction date.
    4.8.6 How much can I pay?
      Please refer to “My Online Set-up” > “Set Transaction Limits” for the relevant bill payment limits.

    Meanwhile, there may be upper and lower limits per payment for a particular merchant. Please contact the merchant directly for details.
    4.8.7 How do I cancel a recurring credit card payment, including direct debit authorisation?
      If the payment is not Automatic Add Value Service of Octopus, please contact the third party merchant or service provider to cancel the recurring payment or the authorisation directly. We also suggest you to submit a request to the third party merchant or service provider in writing requesting cancellation of the recurring payment or the authorisation and retain the written communication.
      General Information of Securities Trading Service
    4.9.1 Steps of Securities Trading via ibanking
      i. Login to ibanking
      ii. Click Securities Trading (2-factor authentication is needed) > Choose Securities Trading Market (Hong Kong Securities Trading/China A-share Trading/US Securities Trading)
      iii. Enter the required trading order details > Submit
      iv. Verify the order details > Confirm
      v. A reference number will be displayed if the order is accepted by the system (you can check the order status via "Order Status / Amendment")
    4.9.2 What information do I need to provide to place an order of securities trading?
      You can place an Order on the Trade page, follow these steps:
      i. Enter the appropriate Stock Code or Symbol. (Please click on "Code Search" if you do not know the Stock Code or Symbol for the security you wish to view.)
      ii. Enter the number of shares to buy or sell in the Quantity field.
      iii. Enter the Limit Prices (if applicable)
      iv. Select Good Till Day (if applicable)
      v. Click 'Submit' button to preview the order or 'Clear' button to clear all fields and start from the beginning.
      vi. Click 'Confirm' button to place your order.
      An Order Confirmation will appear verifying that the order has been accepted for processing. A transaction number will also be issued to you.
    4.9.3 When will China CITIC Bank International debit my securities purchase from my account when I am trading securities?
      Upon the Bank process the order, the purchase amount will be held. The actual debit of the money will take place on the settlement day. Money held between the placement day and the settlement day would continue to earn interest in your account.
    4.9.4 How can I check Securities buying power via i-banking?
      You may select account in Order Placement page and then can choose "Total Available Balane For Trading". You can see by currencies buying power at a glance.
    4.9.5 How can I be sure that my order reaches the trading platform of China CITIC Bank International over the Internet and is being placed?
      An online order confirmation with a transaction reference number will be provided to you immediately. This confirmation indicates that we have received your order instruction. You will need to check the order status by clicking to find out whether your order has been filled. The status shows the stage at which your order is being processed.
      - Pending - Order is pending to process.
      - Processing - Order is processing.
      - Queuing - Order has not yet been filled.
      - Fully executed - Order has been completely executed.
      - Partially filled - Order has been partially executed.
      - Expired - Order has not been executed due to the expiration of the time condition set.
      - Rejected - Order has been rejected by particular reason.
    4.9.6 How can I check my order status or execution result?
      Simply go to Securities Trading page (2-factor authentication is needed), then you can choose "Order Status / Amendment" to check your order status or execution result. Also, you may opt to receive email or SMS for execution result.
    4.9.7 If I want to amend an open order, what should I do?
      Simply go to Securities Trading page (2-factor authentication is needed)
      - Click on "Order Status / Amendment".
      - Select Amend from the Action column on the order intended to change and the Amend Order page will appear.
      - Enter order changes as necessary in the fields provided. The existing order details are displayed on the left for comparison.
      - An Order Confirmation will appear verifying that the order amendment has been accepted for processing. From here you can click the Trade Status link to check the order status.

      Please note : Cancellation request will be promptly submitted to relevant exchanges for execution on a best effort. Any fully cancel request or open or partially filled order amended request cannot be guaranteed as the original order may be partially or fully executed. Cancellation or Amendment request is subject to the market conditions as well as prior execution of your original order.
    4.9.8 If I want to cancel an open or partially filled order, what should I do?
      Simply go to Securities Trading page (2-factor authentication is needed)
      i. Click on "Order Status / Amendment".
      ii. Select Cancel from the Action column and the Order Cancellation page will appear.
      iii. To confirm the cancellation of your order by clicking the Cancel Order button.
      iv. Click the Cancel button if you have selected an incorrect order to cancel or you do not wish to cancel the order. If an error has occurred, the details will be displayed.
      v. A Confirmation page will appear verifying that the order cancellation has been accepted for processing. From here you can click the Order Status link to check the order status.

      If you have an outstanding order that is not yet filled in the market, you may cancel it by clicking 'Cancel' on the Trade Status page to proceed the cancellation. Please note that cancellation request will be promptly submitted to relevant exchanges for execution on a best effort basis. Any fully cancel request or open or partially filled order amendment request cannot be guaranteed as the original order may be partially or fully executed. Cancellation or Amendment request is subject to the market conditions as well as prior execution of your original order.
    4.9.9 What will be happened if the orders are not executed by the end of the Good Till Day?
      All unmatched days orders will expire at the end of the Good Till Day. You will have to re-enter the order after the trading hours if you wish to keep the order for the next business day.
    4.9.10 What can I see in trade status and balances when an outstanding order cancelled?
      The withheld fund of the cancelled order will be released to Usable Balance for Trading immediately.
    4.9.11 What can I see in trade status and balances when an outstanding order expired?
      The order will be remarked in Trade Status as 'Expired' and withheld fund will be released to Usable Balance for Trading after Good Till Day market closed.
    4.9.12 What is the "Average Cost" shown in the Portfolio Summary?
      The "Average Cost" is calculated using the weighted average purchases price and charge information available to the Bank, and the amount is displayed for indication only.

      If you have US securities bought on or before 27 Feb 2015, the market closing price of 27 Feb 2015 is used as the weighted Average Cost of such holdings.
    4.9.13 Is there any per order transaction limit for Securities Trading Service?
      Yes, at present, the per order transaction limit for Securities Trading transaction is HK$5,000,000 or equivalent.
    4.9.14 What type of statements do I receive?
      You will receive a Trade Confirmation whenever there is a transaction in your trading account. Monthly statements will be sent to you within the first seven business days of each calendar month, showing all securities balance and all your transaction activities within the previous month. Alternatively, you can access your account information online.
    4.9.15 If I would like to have a reprint of my monthly statement or contract note, what should I do?
      Duplicate statements can be issued on request. Please apply for reprints through our Securities Trading Service Hotline. Additional charges may apply.
    4.9.16 How can I get further assistant?
      You can visit our branch or contact us over the phone (For Hong Kong and SSE Securities Trading, please call (852) 2287 6088. For U.S. Securities Trading, please call (852) 2287 6688).
    4.9.17 Why I need to perform 2-factor authentication for securities trading/enquiries via i-banking?
      To strengthen the security level for online transactions, starting from 22 Apr 2018, 2-factor authentication with physical security device or CNCBI Token App is required for any securities trading/enquiries via online platforms.
      Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime (HKIDR)
    4.10.1 What is Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime ("HKIDR") ?
      HKIDR applies to securities listed or traded on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong ("SEHK”) . The Bank will have to assign a Broker-Client Assigned Number (“BCAN”) to each client and tag the BCAN to securities orders. The Bank will also have to submit to SEHK’s data repository the client identification data (“CID”) (including full name, issuing country or jurisdiction of identity document, identity document type and identity document number) of securities orders on SEHK or who conduct off-exchange trades reportable to SEHK.
    4.10.2 What are the out-scope products?
      HKIDR does not apply to derivatives traded on the trading system of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange, unlisted structured products ( e.g. equity linked instruments, equity linked notes) and delivery of SEHK listed securities pursuant to these products.
    4.10.3 What is the purpose of Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) on collecting CID?
      Currently, the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) can only identify exchange participants (ie, brokers) which place securities orders directly through the SEHK trading system. When the SFC detects suspicious trading activities, it needs to seek information from brokers about the actual investors behind the trades. This limits the effectiveness of its market surveillance work. With an investor identification regime, the SFC could quickly obtain information about investors who place orders. This will enhance the SFC’s market surveillance function, help maintain market integrity and strengthen investor protection, thereby promoting the long-term development of the market.
    4.10.4 Will SEHK shared the CID with another third parties?
      The information in the data repository is encrypted and is only accessible by authorised personnel of the SFC and SEHK. Data security and access control measures will be updated regularly with the latest technological developments. Detailed audit trails are maintained of all access, and unauthorised access will be investigated.
    4.10.5 What is the waterfall for acceptability of identity document for the CID?
      SFC has imposed a waterfall for acceptability of identity document for the CID in which the identity document that is first mentioned in the list below should be adopted as first priority save that where you do not hold such document, the next mentioned document should be used and so forth.

    In the case of a corporate, it would be (1) legal entity identifier; or (2) certificate of incorporation; or (3) business registration certificate; or (4) other equivalent documents.

    In the case of a natural person, it would be (1) Hong Kong Identity Card (“HKID card”); or (2) national identification document; or (3) passport.

    4.10.6 Are the Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao and Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao accepted as CID identity documents?
      Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao and Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao are travelling documents issued by the Mainland authorities to PRC residents. They are neither national identity documents nor passports. If you are a PRC resident without HKID, you should provide information to the Bank on respective mainland identity cards (national identity document) as CID, or in the absence of a mainland identity cards, the information on passports.

    4.10.7 Why do I have to provide consent regarding HKIDR to the Bank?
      Under paragraphs 5.6(p) and 5.7(h) of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the SFC, the Bank would need to obtain express consent from indivduals (except corporates) for disclosing and transferring your personal data to the SEHK and/or any of its subsidiaries, SFC, and/or any of its subsidiaries and the Bank’s securities broker(s) in accordance to with the rules and requirements of the SEHK and the SFC in effect from time to time. For joint account, HKIDR consent instruction must be solicited from all holders whereas CID of all holders are required to be submitted to SEHK’s data repository.

    4.10.8 When will HKIDR be implemented?
      HKIDR will be implemented tentatively in the second half of 2022, subject to the latest regulatory announcement.

    4.10.9 What is the consequence of not providing consent or updated CID or required CID as per waterfall requirement before implementation of HKIDR?
      Failure to provide the Bank with your personal data or consent or required CID as per waterfall requirement prior implementation of HKIDR may mean that the Bank will not, or will no longer be able to, as the case may be, carry out your trading instructions, IPO application or provide me/us with securities related services (other than to sell, transfer out or withdraw my existing holdings of securities, if any) after the implementation of HKIDR.

    The above applies to joint-name accounts as well, i.e. failure of any of the account holders to provide personal data or consent or required CID as per waterfall requirement prior implementation of HKIDR will also subject to the above restrictions. Even if you submit the consent instructions and CID as per acceptability described above after the effective date of HKIDR, it may not be effective immediately.

    4.10.10 Where can I provide consent regarding HKIDR?
      To avoid unwanted limitations to your account, you can provide consent regarding HKIDR via inMotion, inVest, i-banking or automated securities trading hotline.

    4.10.11 Can I withdraw consent regarding HKIDR?
      You can visit any branches or contact your Relationship Manager to fill in the Investor Identification Regime for Hong Kong Securities Consent Form. Despite any subsequent purported withdrawal of consent, your personal data may continue to be stored, processed, used, disclosed or transferred for the purposes outlined in Customer Declaration section after such purported withdrawal of consent.

    4.10.12 Is there an urgency to provide consent and CID update?
      Please note that it will take time for the Bank to process your submission of consent instructions and/or CID updates as per acceptability described above and your instructions/updates may not be effective immediately. You are advised to submit the above consent instructions and notify the Bank for any material changes of CID as soon as possible to avoid unwanted limitations to your transactions after the effective date of HKIDR (second half of 2022).

    4.10.13 How can I provide CID updates?
      You can visit our branch and contact your Relationship Manager (if applicable) or seek assistance via branch staff.

    4.10.14 What about initial public offerings (“IPO”)?
      HKIDR will also be extended to initial public offerings (“IPO”) applications, tentatively to be implemented in the fourth quarter in 2022, subject to the latest regulatory announcement.

    4.10.15 Where can I find more details regarding HKIDR?


      Hong Kong Securities Trading Services
    4.11.1 Where can I trade Hong Kong Securities?
      You can trade Hong Kong Securities through the following channels:
      - i-Banking service
      - inMotion*
      - inVest
      - Automated Securities Trading Hotline
      - Manned Securities Trading Hotline

    * Please refer to the FAQ inside inMotion for more information about securities trading on inMotion.
    4.11.2 What order types can I choose?
      You may choose:
      - At-Auction Limit Order
      - Enhanced Limit Order
      - Market Order
      - Take Profit Order
      - Stop Loss Order
    4.11.3 Can I place odd lot order?

      Simply go to "HK Securities Trading" page under "Securities Trading"(2-factor authentication is needed), then you can choose "Sell Odd-lot", and enter your Odd-lot disposal order. Please note that no Odd-lot purchasing order is accepted.
    4.11.4 What is "Good Till Date" feature?
      You can make use of "Good Till Date" (GTD) feature to place an order, which can valid for a maximum of eight trading days. The order with this feature will be treated as At-auction Limit Order when carrying forward to next day, and will be handle in Pre-opening Session. Please note that the order will not be carried to next trading day if it was partially executed, full executed, cancelled or rejected.

    4.11.5 Why the order is rejected with an alert message "The input price is out of the spread range"?
      We only accept At-auction Limit Order within 199-price spread and Enhanced Limit Order within 23-price spread of the nominal price. Instructions that out of the spread will be rejected.

    4.11.6 What is the minimum price spreads for different stock price range?
    Price from (HK$) Minimum Spread
    0.01 0.001
    0.25 0.005
    0.50 0.010
    1.00 0.010
    2.00 0.010
    5.00 0.010
    10.00 0.020
    20.00 0.050
    100.00 0.100
    200.00 0.200
    500.00 0.500
    1000.00 1.000
    2000.00 2.000
    5,000.00 to 9,995.00 5.000
    4.11.7 How can I amend or cancel my order via ibanking?

      Simply go to "HK Securities Trading" under "Securities Trading"(2-factor authentication is needed), then you can choose "Order Status / Amendment" to amend or cancel your order. Please note that confirmed odd-lot selling order instruction cannot be amended or cancelled.

    4.11.8 After placing a securities trading order on Internet, can I enquire or place amendment / cancellation instruction through other channels?

      Yes, you can check, amend or cancel your order by cross channels, i.e. you may do it via Automated Securities Trading Hotline, Manned Securities Trading Hotline.

    4.11.9 What is the settlement arrangement for Hong Kong Securities Trading?
      Hong Kong Securities Trading will follow HKEX settlement cycle. Securities and money settlement will be on T+2 day.

    4.11.10 What should be noted when doing Dual Counter (RMB and HKD counters) securities transactions?
      When doing Dual Counter (RMB and HKD counters) securities trading, please note that issuers may pay dividends in RMB only.

    4.11.11 What are Dual Counter Securities?
      Dual Counter Securities refer to snecurities with HKD and RMB counters (“HKD-RMB Dual Counters”) designated by the Exchange in accordance with the Rules of the Exchange and are eligible for Dual Counter Market Making Programme.

    The list of Dual Counter Securities would be published by HKEX from time to time, and only securities (excluding Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”)) listed in both HKD and RMB counters in the Hong Kong securities market would be considered for designation.

    The Exchange may designate or remove any security as a Dual Counter Security in the list and the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) will be consulted for each such designation or removal.

    4.11.12 Are holders of securities under the RMB counter and the HKD counter under the Dual Counter Model treated differently from a legal perspective?
      The Rules of the Exchange require that a Dual Counter Security may be traded in two different currencies provided that the securities concerned are of the same class. Holders of Dual Counter Securities shall be entitled to identical rights under the issuer’s constitutional documents. The HKD-RMB Dual Counter arrangement is for trading and settlement purposes only.

    4.11.13 Can a Dual Counter Security be transferred between the two counters?
      Securities under the two counters are of the same class, holdings of securities in the two counters can be transferred without change of beneficial ownership.

    4.11.14 How may a Dual Counter Security under the Dual Counter Model be identified? How can investors distinguish between the two counters of a Dual Counter Security? Are there any identification in their stock codes and stock short names?
      An investor can distinguish between the two counters by their stock codes and their stock short names.

      The general principle is that separate and unique stock codes are assigned to the HKD and RMB counters respectively. For an equity, the stock code for the RMB counter will be a 5- digit number starting with an “8”, while a 5-digit number starting with a “0” would be assigned for the HKD counter.

      The last four digits of the stock codes for the two counters will normally be the same, in line with the existing allocation arrangement.
      - HKD counter - 0XXXX
      - RMB counter - 8XXXX

      The stock short names for the two counters are also different. For the RMB counter, the stock short name will end with -R to indicate that the securities are traded in RMB. There will be no specific marking in the stock short name of the HKD counter. The following is an illustrative example of the stock short names:
      - HKD counter – “XYZ”
      - RMB counter – “XYZ -R”

    4.11.15 Can CNCBI trade Dual Counter Securities?
      The Bank only provides Single-counter trading servces, i.e. trading HKD-denominated securities or RMB-denominated securities. Inter-counter trading is not support, i.e. buying in one counter and selling in another counter as two independent transactions.

    4.11.16 What if I want to sell HKD-denominated securities at RMB counter?
      You may send a "Multi-Counter Transfer Instruction" via Phone Banking or PBRM to convert HKD-denominated securities into RMB-denominated securities, and vice versa. It will take about 3 working days for the conversion to be completed. After that, the securities can be sold at the corresponding counter. For relevant charges, please refer to Investment Products Service Fees & Charges.

    4.11.17 What should be noted when trading with securities under the Nasdaq-Amex Pilot Program (PP)?
      The securities under the Nasdaq-Amex Pilot Program (PP) are aimed at sophisticated investors. You should consult the licensed or registered person and become familiarized with the PP before trading in the PP securities. You should be aware that the PP securities are not regulated as a primary or secondary listing on the Main Board or the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

      China Connect Securities Trading Services
    4.12.1 What is China Connect?
      China Connect - refers to the mutual market access between the SEHK and SSE/SZSE, this is a programme that links the stock markets in Shanghai/Shenzhen and Hong for securities trading and settlement established by SEHK, SSE/SZSE, HKEX and ChinaClear.

      Southbound Trading Link (STL) - Eligible investors in Mainland China can place orders to trade eligible shares listed on the SEHK through Mainland securities firms and a securities trading service company established by SSE/SZSE by routing the orders to the SEHK. The eligible securities include the constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index and the Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index, and the shares of all companies listed on both the SSE/SZSE and SEHK.

      Northbound Trading Link (NTL) - Hong Kong and overseas investors can place orders to trade eligible shares listed on the SSE/SZSE through their local brokers and a securities trading service company established by the SEHK by routing the orders to the SSE/SZSE. Shares eligible to be accepted as an 'SSE Securities' to trade through NTL shall comprise all constituent stocks of the SSE180 Index and SSE380 Index, and shares of all SSE-listed companies that have issued both A and H shares (excluding shares that are not traded in RMB and those under risk alert board).

      Shares eligible to be accepted as an ‘SZSE Securities’ to trade through NTL shall comprise all Constituent stocks of SZSE Component Index and SZSE Small/Mid Cap Innovation Index, Companies with market capitalization at least RMB6B and SZSE-listed companies that have issued both A and H shares (excluding shares that are not traded in RMB and those under risk alert board).

    4.12.2 Where can I trade SSE/SZSE Securities?
      You can trade SSE/SZSE Securities through the following channels:
      - i-Banking service
      - inVest
      - Automated Securities Trading Hotline
      - Manned Securities Trading Hotline
    4.12.3 What kind of order can I enter when trading SSE/SZSE Securities?
      Only Limit Order is accepted.
    4.12.4 What is the settlement arrangement for Northbound Trading?
      The settlement arrangement will be different to Hong Kong Securities Trading. Northbound Trading will follow SSE/SZSE A-share settlement cycle. Securities settlement will be on T day, while money settlement will be on T+1 day.
    4.12.5 Can I sell the SSE/SZSE Securities I have bought before its settlement? In addition, can I use the funds from selling a SSE/SZSE Security to buy a new SSE/SZSE Security before its settlement?
      No. Day trading is not allowed for Northbound Trading. Therefore, you can only sell the shares on and after T+1 day. Besides, you can use the fund from selling the SSE/SZSE securities to buy another SSE/SZSE Securities at the same day.
    4.12.6 Can I amend or cancel my SSE/SZSE Securities trading order?
      Order amendment is not allowed for Northbound Trading. If you want to amend your trading order, you have to cancel the order first and place a new order after successfully cancelled.
    4.12.7 What are the charges for trading of SSE/SZSE Securities?
      You have to pay third-party charges such as handling fee, securities management fee, transfer fee, stamp duty as well as bank charges such as brokerage commission fee. For details, please refer to the Investment Products Service Fees and Charges. The fees will be charged in Renminbi.
    4.12.8 Under what circumstances will the purchase of SSE/SZSE Securities be suspended?
      Investors will not be able to buy SSE/SZSE Securities under the following circumstances:
      a) the SSE/SZSE Securities cease to be a constituent stock of the relevant indices;
      b) the SSE/SZSE Securities are under risk alert board;
      c) the corresponding H share of the SSE/SZSE Securities cease to be traded on SEHK;
      d) the Daily Quota Balance drops to zero or below;
    4.12.9 What are the board lot/ odd lot, order size and price spread for SSE/SZSE Securities?
      The board lot size of all SSE/SZSE Securities is 100 shares (buy orders must be in board lot). Odd lot trading is only available for sell orders (Odd lot sell order must be placed in one go). The price spread for SSE/SZSE Securities is uniformly set at RMB0.01. The maximum order size is one million shares.
    4.12.10 Will my buy order in board lot be executed resulting in odd lot trade?
      Yes, the executed quantities of your buy order may result in odd lots.
    4.12.11 What is the contingency arrangement under severe weather conditions?
      Northbound Trading arrangement under severe weather conditions will be as follows:
      i. If SSE/SZSE is suspended due to bad weather, Northbound Trading will not open and SEHK will inform Hong Kong market accordingly.
      ii. If typhoon signal number 8 (or above) and/or black rainstorm warning is issued in Hong Kong before Hong Kong market opens, Northbound Trading will not open. If the signal/warning is subsequently discontinued on the same day, arrangement for the resumption of Northbound Trading will follow that for the SEHK market (detailed arrangement is available on the HKEX website at
      iii. If typhoon no. 8 (or above) is issued in Hong Kong after Hong Kong market opens but before SSE/SZSE market opens (between 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m.), Northbound Trading will not open.
      iv. If typhoon signal number 8 (or above) is issued in Hong Kong after SSE/SZSE market has opened, trading will terminate in 15 minutes after the signal was issued. Thereafter, only order cancellation will be accepted until SSE/SZSE market closed.

    Scenarios Northbound Trading Arrangement Hong Kong Market today
    T8/Black rainstorm issued before HK market opens (i.e. before 9:00 a.m.) Not open Not open
    T8 issued between 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Not open Trading terminates after Pre-opening Session
    T8 issued after SSE/SZSE market opens (i.e. 9:15 a.m.) Trading terminates in 15 minutes after T8 issuance, thereafter only order cancellation is allowed until SSE/SZSE market closes Trading terminates in 15 minutes
    Black rainstorm issued after HK market opens (i.e. 9:00 a.m.) Trading continues as normal Trading continues as normal
    T8/Black rainstorm discontinued at or before 12:00 noon Trading resumes after 2 hours Trading resumes after 2 hours
    T8/Black rainstorm discontinued after 12:00 noon Not open Not open
      To set up a settlement account for an existing securities trading account, please visit our branches or login to our i-banking platform.
    4.12.12 Can I subscribe for China Connect Securities initial public offering ('IPO')?
      No. China Connect does not support IPO.
    4.12.13 Where can I obtain more information on China Connect?
      You can visit HKEX website's "China Stock Markets Web" to obtain information on SH-HK Connect, such as Information Book for Investors, Frequently Asked Questions for Investors, list of eligible stocks, quota balance, etc.
      Comparison between trading China A shares and Hong Kong stocks in Hong Kong
    Trading Shanghai A shares in Hong Kong Trading Shenzhen A shares in Hong Kong Trading Hong Kong Stocks in Hong Kong
    Stocks available for trading - Constituent stocks of the SSE 180 Index
    - Constituent stocks of the SSE 380 Index
    - A shares listed on both HKEX and SSE (excluding Shanghai A shares on the risk alert board and those that are not traded in RMB)
    -Constituent stocks of the SZSE Component Index and SZSE Small/Mid Cap Innovation Index
    -Companies with market capitalization at least RMB6B
    -SZSE-listed companies that have issued both A and H shares(excluding Shenzhen A shares on the risk alert board and those that are not traded in RMB)
    All stocks listed on HKEX
    Quota Daily Quota: RMB 52 billion Daily Quota: RMB 52 billion No limit
    Settlement currency RMB RMB HKD
    Board lot size 100 shares per each board lot 100 shares per each board lot Depends on the stock
    Price limit Order price cannot exceed +/-10% of the previous closing price Order price cannot exceed +/-10% of the previous closing price No limit
    Tick size RMB0.01 RMB0.01 Vary from HK$0.001 to HK$5, depending on the stock price
    Trading hours Opening Call Auction: 09:15-09:25
    Continuous Auction(Morning): 09:30-11:30
    Continuous Auction(Afternoon): 13:00-15:00
    Opening Call Auction: 09:15-09:25
    Continuous Auction(Morning): 09:30-11:30
    Continuous Auction(Afternoon): 13:00-14:57
    Closing Call Auction:14:57-15:00
    Pre-opening session: 09:00-09:30
    Morning session: 09:30-12:00
    Extended Morning Session: 12:00-13:00
    Afternoon session: 13:00-16:00
    Closing Auction Session: 16:00-16:10
    Trading days All business days on which both markets are open for trading and banking services are available in both markets on the corresponding money settlement daysAll business days on which both markets are open for trading and banking services are available in both markets on the corresponding money settlement days All HKEX trading days
    Clearing and settlement Stocks clearing: T day
    Funds settlement: T+1 day
    Stocks clearing: T day
    Funds settlement: T+1 day
    Stocks clearing and funds settlement: T+2 days
    Day trading Not allowed. Stocks purchased on T day can only be sold on or after T+1 day Not allowed. Stocks purchased on T day can only be sold on or after T+1 day Allowed
    Fees and tax - Handling Fee (charged by SSE): 0.00487% of the transaction amount
    - Securities Management Fee (charged by China Securities Regulatory Commission): 0.002% of the transaction amount
    - Transfer Fee (0.002% charged by ChinaClear & 0.002% charged by HKSCC): 0.004% of the transaction amount
    - Stamp Duty (charged by State Administration of Taxation): 0.1% of the transaction amount (for sell trade only)
    - Handling Fee (charged by SZSE): 0.00487% of the transaction amount
    - Securities Management Fee (charged by China Securities Regulatory Commission): 0.002% of the transaction amount
    - Transfer Fee (0.002% charged by ChinaClear & 0.002% charged by HKSCC): 0.004% of the transaction amount
    - Stamp Duty (charged by State Administration of Taxation): 0.1% of the transaction amount (for sell trade only)
    - Transaction Levy (charged by SFC) : 0.0027% of the transaction amount
    - Trading Fee (charged by HKEX): 0.005% of the transaction amount
    - Stamp Duty (charged by HKSAR Government): 0.1% of the transaction amount (minimum charge : HK$1)
    4.12.14 What is the meaning of Restricting Mainland investors from Northbound Trading under Stock Connect?
      Effective from 25 July 2022 onwards, the China Securities Regulatory Commission restricts mainland investors from participating in the Northbound Trading under Stock Connect.

    As such, mainland investors who open One-Accounts are not allowed to trade/transfer in China Connect Securities through Northbound trading.
    4.12.15 What is 1-year transitional period?
      1-year transitional period from 25 July 2022 to 23 July 2023, existing Mainland investors could still buy and sell China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading under Stock Connect.

    After the transitional period (from 24 July 2023), existing Mainland investors could not actively buy China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading under Stock Connect (including subscription for right issues, but excluding obtaining China Connect Securities passively as a result of corporate actions (such as distribution of stock dividends)), existing China Connect Securities held by Mainland investors could be sold; The Northbound Trading rights of Mainland investors without holding of China Connect Securities shall be cancelled by Hong Kong brokers in a timely manner.
    4.12.16 If I am a mainland investor, can I trade China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading with China CITIC Bank (International)?
      If you are mainland investor, you will not be able to buy China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading, but you can still sell out your holding China Connect Securities.

    If you open a One-Account on or after 25 July 2022, you will not be able to trade/transfer in China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading.
    4.12.17 I opened a One-Account with the China CITIC Bank International using Mainland ID documents, and then I have obtained an identity document as proof of permanent residence in a country or region outside Mainland China , why can’t I trade China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading?
      You must update your identity document in the Bank to trade China Connect Securities through Northbound Trading. For the channels of updating your identity documents, you can visit our branch and contact your Relationship Manager (if applicable) or seek assistance via branch staff.
    4.12.18 How can I get further information?
      For more details, please refer to the latest announcement of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on restricting mainland investors from participating in the Northbound Trading under Stock Connect.


      U.S. Securities Trading Services
    4.13.1 What is product and service coverage for U.S. Securities Trading Service offered by China CITIC Bank International?
      Our U.S. Securities Trading Service provides trading and custodian services for U.S. stocks listed in NYSE Equities Market and NASDAQ Stock Market. However, we do not accept any BUY order in any stocks with a market cap below USD 50 million and the price per share less than USD 0.50.
    4.13.2 Where can I trade U.S. Securities?
      You can trade U.S. Securities through the following channels:
      - i-Banking service
      - inVest
    4.13.3 Can I open an account online for trading US securities?
      Existing customer can open a trading account through online platforms. To activate US securities trading service, customer need to complete W-8BEN Form and return to our branch either in person or by mail or upload the form via inMotion*. (W-8BEN Form can be downloaded from Internal Revenue Service :

    Please note US securities trading service is not applicable for US persons.

    * Please refer to the FAQ inside inMotion for more information on inMotion.
    4.13.4 What is W-8BEN Form? Does it need to be renewed?
      W-8BEN Form is a declaration form from Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. for investor to declare their identity of non-US citizenship. It is required to be renewed in every 3rd full succeeding years. Otherwise, the bank is not able to offer your U.S. Securities Trading Service continuously after the last W-8BEN is expired.
    4.13.5 When is the trading hours of the US securities markets?
      i. North Hemisphere Summer - 21:30 - 04:00 Hong Kong time
      ii. North Hemisphere Winter - 22:30 - 05:00 Hong Kong time
      North Hemisphere Summer commences at 2am on the second Sunday of March of the year.
      North Hemisphere Winter commences at 2am on the first Sunday of November of the year.
      You can place an order through online banking from 19:30 (Hong Kong time) until the close of the US securities market

      If you have any enquiries, you can contact our US Securities Service Hotline at (852) 2287 6688 for assistance. Service Hours (Hong Kong Time):
      Mondays - Fridays Full Day
      [Except 5 - 9am (during North Hemisphere Summer) and 6 - 9am, 9 - 10pm (during North Hemisphere Winter) and US Public Holidays]
    4.13.6 What is the settlement arrangement for US Securities Trading?
      Starting from 28 May 2024, the standard settlement cycle of US securities transactions will be shortened from 2 business days after the trade date (T+2) to 1 business day after the trade date (T+1).
    4.13.7 During Hong Kong public holidays, can I trade my US securities?
      Yes, trading will be available if US securities markets are open.
    4.13.8 Any tax implications would apply to me when I hold foreign securities?
      There is no capital gain tax for non-US persons on trading US securities. However, non US person are subject to a 30% withholding tax on dividends. This is not a tax advice and any tax related questions should be referred to their own individual tax consultant.
    4.13.9 What is the US SEC Fee?
      US SEC Fee is the Sales Tax as stated in Investment Products Service Fees and Charges of the Bank, it was created by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to be an additional transaction cost attached to the selling of exchange-listed equities. This fee is usually listed as a separate fee, independent of any associated brokerage commissions or fees. The fee will be revalued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time.
    4.14.1 What is IPO?
      IPO represents Initial Public Offering where a company, for its first time, issues shares to investors and get listed on a Stock Exchange.
    4.14.2 What can EIPO service offers you?
      Our EIPO service aims to provide an access to subscribe (yellow form application) newly listed shares from Initial Public Offering via the internet.
    4.14.3 Who is eligible to make an IPO application through EIPO service?
      Eligible applicant must:
      - be our i-banking customer(personal customer);
      - be an individual applicant;
      - have a valid One Account “Investment” (yellow form application);
      - Some companies may accept IPO applications from non Hong Kong residents. Please refer to respective Prospectus for details.
    4.14.4 How to apply IPO shares online?
      Step 1
      Read the Prospectus thoroughly before making your decision to subscribe the shares under IPO. The electronic prospectus is available under "Securities Trading"(2-factor authentication is needed) > "EIPO" in this website.
      Step 2
      Click the "Apply" button and the Stock you would like to apply for. Read the terms and conditions, complete the application form and place your payment instruction which allows us to debit the subscription amount from your One Account "Deposit" at the specified time stated for individual IPO.
      Step 3
      Confirm your application details and submit the application. A reference number will be generated for your reference.
      Step 4
      Make sure your designated account has sufficient fund for settlement at the specified time of individual IPO. Otherwise, your application will be cancelled without further notice.
    4.14.5 Can I amend or cancel my online IPO application?
      No, once you have submitted the application and confirmed the details, you cannot amend any application details or cancel your application.
    4.14.6 How do I know my EIPO application has been submitted to the Share Registrars for allotment?
      We will send your application to the Share Registrars on or before the IPO official closing time. In case there is any incorrect information or your designated One Account "Deposit" has insufficient fund for settlement, your application will be cancelled without further notice.
    4.14.7 How can I get a refund for a wholly or partially unsuccessful EIPO application or any surplus application money?
      For Yellow Form Applicants
      the application money (or part thereof) will be credited directly to your One Account "Deposit" on the refund day specified in the respective Prospectus.
    4.14.8 How do I receive the allotted shares if my application is successful or partially successful?
      For Yellow Form Applicants
      If your application is wholly or partially successful, your share certificate(s) will be directly deposited into your One Account "Investment".
    4.14.9 Is there any service charge for the EIPO service?
      Please refer to the details of respective EIPO.
    4.14.10 Can I make EIPO application on behalf of others?
      Currency-Linked Deposit ("CLD")
    4.15.1 What is a CLD?

    CLD comprises of a time deposit and a currency option. When you set up a CLD, you are setting up a time deposit and at the same time selling a currency option. The option premium received from the sale of the currency option helps to deliver a yield that is potentially higher than that of time deposit with same tenor.

    4.15.2 How does CLD work?

    By selling the currency option, you will receive an option premium that brings extra returns than those of a traditional time deposit. On the other hand, the fixing of the currency option would determine whether you will receive the deposit amount and the interest earned in the Deposit Currency or receive the amount converted to the Linked Currency at the Strike Rate at maturity.
    Deposit amount and interest at maturity will be paid in either the Deposit Currency or Linked Currency, depending on the Fixing Rate at the fixing time on the fixing date as compared to the Strike Rate:
    (1) If the Linked Currency has strengthened or remains unchanged against the Deposit Currency, you will receive deposit amount and interest in the Deposit Currency.
    (2) If the Linked Currency has depreciated against the Deposit Currency, your deposit amount and interest will be converted to the Linked Currency at the Strike Rate.

    4.15.3 Can I amend or cancel an executed CLD?

    Once a CLD is set up, the underlying currency option becomes effective. Therefore, you cannot amend or cancel an executed CLD.

    4.15.4 Can I request for early termination before maturity?

    Early termination of CLD by customer is not allowed.

    4.15.5 What is the service hours for online CLD setup?

    The service hours for online CLD setup is from 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. (Monday to Friday on Hong Kong business day).

      Investment Funds
    4.16.1 Can I trade funds via i-banking Service?

    If you have successfully opened One Account, you can trade Investment Funds via i-banking Service.

    4.16.2 What Investment Funds services does i-banking provide?

    i-banking provides the following Investment Funds services:
    1. Fund Search
    2. Fund Comparison
    3. Fund Subscription
    4. Fund Redemption
    5. Fund Switching
    6. Online Order Status
    7. Unit Trust Account Portfolio Summary

    4.16.3 When will my order be processed by the Bank?

    The dealing day and cut off time of Investment Funds service are Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays and special holiday (e.g. Typhoon)) and 15:15 or 16:15 (depends on the fund selected by customer). If we receive your order before the cut off time on dealing day, the order will be processed on the same day. If we receive your order on a non-dealing day or after the cut off time on dealing day, the order will be processed on the next dealing day.

    4.16.4 Where can I find my order status and history?

    You can find your order status and history up to 100 days on the "Online Order Status" page.

    4.16.5 Can I amend or cancel my Investment Funds order?
      No, once you have submitted the order and confirmed the details, you cannot amend any order details or cancel your order.

      Statement Request
    4.17.1 When will I receive the reprinted statement after I place the request online?
      You will receive the statement within 7 working days.
    4.17.2 Any charge will be debit for the statement request?
      We will charge you a HK$55 service fees from the debit account you specified in your reprint statement request.
      Cheque Book Request
    4.18 When will I receive the new cheque book when I place the request online?
      You will receive the new cheque book within 7 working days.
      Stop Cheque
    4.19 Any charges for the stop cheque service?
      We will charge you HK$80 for each stop cheque request and we accept maximum 50 cheques at one time. If there is no cheque stopped in the request, the charges will be waived.
      Insurance Plan (For Personal Customers Only)
    4.20.1 How do I know if the online travel insurance application is successfully submitted or approved and when will the policy be effective?

    Once the premium payment is confirmed, a policy number will be displayed on the acknowledgement screen and the policy will be effected immediately.

    4.20.2 How do I make the premium payment for the life insurance application? When should I expect to receive my policy if my application is approved?
      Upon submission of your online application, an application number will be provided on-screen and a notification email will also be sent to you. Please visit any of our branches with that notification email to complete the premium payment from 3 working days of the online life insurance application date until 30 calendars days after the application date.

    After receipt of your premium payment and subject to receipt of all required documents, insurance company will process your application. If your application is approved, insurance company will mail the insurance policy to your correspondence address in 7 working days.
    4.20.3 Can my relatives or friends be the Proposer of the Insurance Plan when I apply via i-banking?
      No. You (the i-banking user) must be the proposer of the online insurance application. The online application will be rejected if the proposer of the online insurance application is not our Bank's customer fulfilling the criterion as set out in our Online Life Insurance Application Platform.

    If I amend the personal information during application, will my Bank's record be automatically updated?

      Please note that the personal information provided during the online application is for one-off application and be used by insurance company directly. The Bank's record will not be updated unless receiving your instructions for updating the personal information for your account and banking relationship with us. Please visit our branches for personal information update.
      You can get the plan details, coverage, plan premium, terms & conditions of the policy anytime at the Insurance Section of our i-banking services.
      Online Remittance Service
    4.21.1 How to submit outward remittance via the web?

    Please fill in the "I-banking service requisition form" to pre-registered the beneficiary accounts details & set up the daily transaction limits for remittance. After the registration, you can submit the outward remittance application anytime anywhere via the bank. In addition, you can also register the beneficiary details through the remittance template by means of 2-factor authentication, and submit the outward remittance.


    I-banking service requisition form required to fill in the SWIFT code during remittance pre-registration, how to know the SWIFT code of other banks?


    Customers should contact the beneficiary bank or search under this site:


    What is the difference between Telegraphic Transfer and CHATS?


    - only applicable to 4 currencies: HKD, CNY(Renminbi), EUR or USD.
    - HKD transfer is limited to banks located in Hong Kong or Shenzhen only.
    - CNY(Renminbi), EUR or USD transfer is limited to banks located in Hong Kong only.
    - CHATS remittance can remit the funds to the other bank's account on the same day, provided that the application is submitted before the cut-off time, the handling charges is waived.

    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T):
    - supports 12 currencies: HKD, AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY(Renminbi), EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, NZD, SGD, USD.
    - can remit to banks of any country or city.
    - Normally can remit the funds to the other bank's account within 1-3 business day(s) provided that the application is submitted before the cut-off time. The actual time when the beneficiary receives the funds will depend on the processing time of the intermediary bank(s)/ beneficiary bank or its branches. However, it may take longer time for payment to countries where exchange control is in place, or where it is the receiving bank's requirement to release funds upon contact with the beneficiary, or if the payment has to go through a number of banks and branches.

    Please refer to the remittance cut-off timetable. The remittance instruction submitted before the cut-off time on Monday to Friday (excluding Hong Kong public holidays) will be processed at the same day. The instruction received after cut-off time will be processed on the next business day. "Business Day" is referring to a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Hong Kong.
    For CNY Remittance, if submission date is Hong Kong or PRC public holiday, the remittance will be handled in next HK & PRC business day.
    Remittance Type Currency Cut-Off Time
    Telegraphic Transfer CNY ( Renminbi)
    2:30 PM
    4:30 PM
    CHATS HKD to Shenzhen beneficiary bank account
    HKD / CNY ( Renminbi) / USD / EUR
    2:30 PM
    4:30 PM

    What do I need if I want to do Renminbi (CNY) outward remittance?


    - Can either select the type "Telegraphic Transfer" or "CHATS".
    - Applicant must be a personal account holder instead of company account
    The following points are applicable for "Telegraphic Transfer" of Renminbi (CNY) outward remittance:
    - The applicant and beneficiary must be the same Hong Kong Identity Card holder and has opened Renminbi Account in a bank in Mainland China, under the same registered name.
    - The amount of Renminbi remittance must be debited from Renminbi(CNY) Account, while the remittance charges must be debited by HKD account.
    - The daily limit for Renminbi Outward Remittance is CNY80,000.
    - The Clearing Institution determines whether a Renminbi remittance can be completed.


    What is the outward remittance daily transaction limit? How can I check the limit?


    Remittance transaction is subject to the “Remit to registered payee(s) limit”. You may go to “My Online Set-up” > “Set Transaction Limit” to view or update your transaction limits.


    What is Correspondent's bank charges?


    Correspondent's bank charges are the overseas bank charges or other recipient bank charges.
    You can choose whether the correspondent's bank charges are to be borne by the beneficiary or yourself.

      Flexi Saver
    4.22.1 Where can I find the currency switching instruction for Flexi Saver?

    When you log in i-banking page, you can select Banking > Set up Time Deposit > High Yield Flexi Saver

    4.22.2 Is there any time restriction for this currency switching instruction through i-banking?

    Yes, Monday to Friday: 9:30am-8:00pm, Saturday: 9:30am-6:00pm, Sunday and public holidays are not available.

    4.22.3 Can I submit this currency switching instruction on the installment date?

    No, you need to submit the instruction at least one business day prior to the installment date.

    4.22.4 Can I only submit the currency switching instruction for once before the installment date?

    No, no limit but the system will treat the latest (most close to installment date) instruction as final.

    4.22.5 Can I change the debit account from sole name account to joint name account?

    No, Only for same entity debit account.


    5.1 What is the recommended PC setup to use the i-banking Service?
      · An Internet connection
    · Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 browser version or above; Firefox 27 browser version or above; Safari 7 browser version or above *
    · Java, JavaScript, SSL and Cookies enabled
    · Best viewed with screen resolution: 1024 x 768

    *We current only support Internet Explorer 11 or above for US Stock Trading and not support Google Chrome for i-banking temporarily.
    5.2 Is the I-banking Service secure for use?
      We employ one of the highest levels of security to protect customer's accounts and personal data. To ensure customer data are protected, we have equipped our i-banking site with above-industry standard security technology.

    Here are some of the safeguards we've put in place:
    · You must enter a correct password with unique Login ID every time you login to our i-banking Service
    · All financial information is protected by VeriSign Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 128-bit encryption.
    · To prevent any unauthorized access, the connection to i-banking Service will automatically terminate after a period of inactivity
    · Following the 4th consecutive failed login with incorrect password, online access of the account will be suspended instantaneously.
    · If you suspect any suspicious activities in relation to your i-banking account, please can contact our hotline at (852) 2287 6767 immediately.

    5.3 Will my data be kept private?
      · We will never call customer nor send email to ask for customer's personal information such as Login ID, Password, HKID, Address, etc.
    · We will never disclose customer's personal information in our e-mail messages, nor ask for a reply through emails to confirm any of your personal information.
    5.4 What safeguard measures can I take for my own protection?
      We recommend our customer to:

    1. Secure your Login ID and Password in a proper place.
    · Use a combination of numbers, upper and lower case letters
    · Make it a habit to change your password periodically; we recommend our customer to change the password at least once every 6 months
    · Avoid using an easy-to-guess password, such as your birthday or phone numbers
    · Never disclose your password to any person or web site that you do not know/ cannot verify; do not write your password down anywhere.
    · Our staff/email will never ask you to disclose your i-banking Login ID and Password.
    · Do not use the i-banking service through any public or shared computers, such as those located at cyber cafes or public libraries

    2. Protect your PC
    · Install a personal firewall on your computer
    · Install and regularly update virus detection software

    3. Protect yourself when logging onto our i-banking Service
    · Always use the "Logout" button to exit instead of closing the window directly when you finish using our i-banking services
    · Always check the date and time of your last visit to our i-banking site
    · Always disconnect from the Internet access, avoid leaving your computer alone while you are not using the service

    5.5 How do I know if the website belongs to China CITIC Bank International?
      You should always log in directly from your browser through the web site of or add i -banking to your list of favourite sites. Never access our website through any hyperlink embedded in Email.

    You can double-click on the "padlock" icon at the bottom right corner of the Internet Explorer browser to check the security certificate that was issued to .

    For more security tips, please click Online Security Tips.

      Change Password Remind
    5.6 Which customers will display "Change Password Remind" page?

    If you had not selected the "Frequency to change password" (i.e. 3 months or 6 months), "Change Password Remind" page will display and remind you to change password after you log into i-banking.

    5.7 How can I reset my login password?

    You may reset the password via inMotion or i-banking using any of the following authentication credentials:
    1. Customers with “device binding and security code” activated – You can input your security code to retrieve login ID or reset password.
    2. Customers with ATM Card or/and phone banking service – You can use your ATM card account number and PIN, or your phone banking master account number and password to retrieve login ID or reset password.
    3. Customers opened bank account with Hong Kong Identity (HKID) card – Through inMotion, you can scan your HKID card and take selfie for identity authentication following the instruction to retrieve login ID or reset password. For your protection, a review process will be conducted upon password reset and during that period of time, you are able to access to i-banking services with temporarily restriction on performing certain transactions/functions. You will be notified through SMS and email once the review is completed and the relevant restrictions will be lifted.
    4. Customers with Credit Card only – You can use your credit card account number and PIN to retrieve login ID or reset password.
    5. You may visit our branch for assistance if failed to use the above means.

    5.8 Can I select no Frequent to change password during change of password?

    To protect you against cyber crimes and frauds, CNCBI will only accept "Frequent to change password" during change of password. CNCBI recommend you to choose the password that is difficult to guess and different from the ones for other online services.

    5.9 Why "Change Password Remind" page display again even I have selected "Remind me later" previously?

    If you select "Remind me later" during change of password previously, "Change Password Remind" page will display again when you log into i-banking after one month.


      Two-Factor Authentication
    6.1 What is two-factor authentication?
      Two-factor authentication uses a combination of two different factors, something you know (e.g. login ID and password) and something you have (e.g. SIM card of your mobile phone) for verifying a user's identity.
    6.2 Why is two-factor authentication necessary?
      · Improved security - the additional authentication factor requires something that is physically held by you, which cannot be stolen by hackers over internet.
    · Protection for high-risk transactions - High risk internet banking transactions are protected by an additional authentication factor which is physically held by you.
    6.3 What types of two-factor authentication method are supported by i-banking?
      i-banking offers SMS Transaction Password, Device Binding and Security Code, Security Device and CNCBI Token for two-factor authentication.
    6.4 What functions in i-banking require two-factor authentication?
      You need to use two-factor authentication when conducting transactions including but not limited to create transfer template, access investments service, update personal information.
    6.5 What should I alert when using SMS Transaction Password for 2-factor authentication transaction?
      · Ensure the accuracy of the registered information (including the mobile phone number registered for SMS Transaction Password authentication) from time to time, contact the bank immediately if any changes.
    · Verify the SMS details before entering the SMS transaction password.
    · If have any doubt on the SMS received, immediately contact us and should stop inputting any password or transaction.
    6.6 How can I register my mobile phone number with i-banking?
      Please visit any of our branches for registration of mobile phone for receiving SMS Transaction Password.
    6.7 Will I be charged for using SMS Transaction Password in i-banking?
      Currently, it is free of charge. Please note that some mobile service providers may charge for SMS usage fee. For Details, please refer to you mobile service provider.
    6.8 Can I register oversea mobile phone number? Will there be any additional charge?
      Yes, you can register international mobile phone number and it is free of charge. Please note that some mobile service providers may not allow you to receive international SMS, and some mobile service providers may charge for SMS usage fee. For Details, please refer to you mobile service provider.
    6.9 What should I do if I do not receive the SMS?
      SMS related to the "Transaction Password" originating by our bank will be sent to your mobile phone number registered at our bank only. This type of SMS will not be forwarded to other phone numbers even if you have activated "SMS/Call Forward Service" provided by Mobile Service Operators in Hong Kong.

    Please check if your registered mobile phone number is up-to-date under "My Online Set Up"--"Security Set-up". Also, the delivery of SMS relies on support from the mobile service providers, it may be subject to delayed transmission. If you do not receive the SMS within 100 seconds, please conduct the transaction again.
    6.10 How many transactions can I authenticate with the SMS Transaction Password?
      Each SMS Transaction Password is used only once for a designated transaction.
    6.11 How long is the SMS Transaction Password valid?
      The SMS Transaction Password is valid for 100 seconds.
    6.12 I entered the SMS transaction password to i-banking but it didn't work. What should I do?
      Please ensure that the SMS is having the same SMS-ID as that of the one displayed on the password input page.
    6.13 I receive a SMS transaction password but I have not initiated a high-risk transaction. What should I do?
      Please contact our Customer Services Hotline at (852) 2287 6767 immediately.
    6.14 I have changed my mobile phone number. What should I do?
      Please log in i-banking service and go to “My Online Set Up” > “Change Mobile Number” by using Security Device or CNCBI Token, or visit any of our branches.
    6.15 I have provided my mobile phone number to your bank when I open an account. Do I have to register it with i-banking?
      Yes. For security reason, you have to register the mobile phone number for receiving SMS Transaction Password again even if such number is provided to us when you opened your account.
    6.16 Is it required to use two-factor authentication if I use template to process transaction?
    6.17 How to register Phone Banking Service or reissue the Phone Banking password?
      Please visit any of our branches for application.
      Device Binding and Security Code
      Device binding and security code are our bank’s security functions for identity verification, replacing CNCBI Token/SMS one-time password as the mean of authentication. For corresponding questions, please refer to the “Security” section under inMotion FAQ.
      Security Device (will be unavailable for personal internet banking customers to use since 19 Feb 2023. Please activate device binding and security code on inMotion as soon as possible).
    6.18 What is a Security Device?
      A Security Device is an electronic device that generates a 6-digit one time Security Code for identity authentication in e-banking transactions.
    6.19 Why do I need to use Security Device?
      To enhance online banking security and protect you against theft and possible fraud, it is more secure to authenticate your identity using Security Device when you are performing specific transactions.
    6.20 What transactions will require a Security Device?
      Customers can use the Security Device to complete the following transactions via i-banking after activation, including but not limited to:
    1. Create transfer template to new payee
    2. Transfer to non-registered payee(s)
    3. Create remittance template
    4. Create bill payment template high risk merchants
    5. Change email address/ mobile number/ address
    6. Accessing Investments Service
    7. Increase transaction limits
    8. eDDA confirmation*
    * i-banking only.
    6.21 Do I need to pay for the Security Device?
      It is free of charge.
    6.22 How do I setup a new PIN for my Security Device.
      Please follow below steps to set up your PIN.
    Step 1: Press and hold the bottom right red triangle button for 2 seconds to turn on the Device
    Step 2: Enter a new 4-digit PIN at your choice into the Device with the keypad
    Step 3: Press the bottom left blue square button to complete the first PIN entry
    Step 4: Re-enter the same new PIN to confirm
    Step 5: "NEW PIN CONF" will be displayed for 2 seconds if the PIN is set up successfully
    6.23 How to activate my Security Device?
      After receiving the Security Device, customers can login i-banking and follow the screen flow to activate the Securities Devices with SMS Transaction Password.
    MY ONLINE SET-UP > Security Set-up > Security Device
    6.24 What should I do if my Security Device cannot be turned on or malfunctioned?
      Please call (852) 2287 6767 to contact our Customer Service Officers and request for replacing a Security Device.
    6.25 What is a Serial Number?
      Serial Number is a unique number on the back of the Security Device. The number is a 10-digit serial number, identifying your individual Security Device.
    6.26 How long does the battery of the Security Device last?
      The battery in the Security Device can last for around five years, depending on the frequency of the usage.
    6.27 What can I do to unlock my Security Device due to consecutive wrong PIN input?
      Security Device will be locked for 4 consecutive wrong inputs of the Security Device PIN, you can call (852) 2287 6767 to contact our Customer Service Officers to unlock.
    6.28 What should I do if my Security Device is lost or stolen?
      You can replace a new Security Device though e-banking, on completion of replacement application, your old Security Device will be invalidated immediately. You can also call (852) 2287 6767 to contact our Customer Service Officers to invalidated your Security Device.
    6.29 For my existing templates created, will they be affected after Security Device launch?
      Existing fund transfer templates and bill payment templates will not be affected and can be used as normal.
    6.30 Why do I need to set up a PIN for the new Security Device?
      It enhanced the level of security, and minimizes the chance of unauthorized use and protects customer against possible online threats.
    6.31 How many digits can I choose for the PIN?
      You can only choose a 4 digits PIN for the Security Device.
    6.32 How do I change my PIN for the device?
      Please follow below steps to change your Security Device PIN:
    1. After your device is turned on and unlocked (you can see the "cncbi" screen), press and hold the button "8" for 2 seconds to activate the change PIN function.
    2. Then enter a 4 digits PIN using the keypad and press the blue button on the bottom left to complete the input.
    3. Confirm the new PIN by re-entering it.
    4. "New PIN CONF" will display for 2 seconds if the PIN is successfully set up. "cncbi" will be displayed afterwards.
    6.33 How do I receive my Security Device?
      Local customers: Security Device will be sent to customer's registered address by surface mail.
    Oversea customer: Security Device will be sent to customer's registered address by registered air mail.
    6.34 I have received the Security Device, can I use it immediately?
      Please activate your Security Device before using. You can login to e-banking, follow the steps on the screen and input SMS Transaction Password to activate your Security Device.
    6.35 What should I do if the Security Code or Verification Code I input is not accepted?
      1. Please make sure the selected digits inputted to Security Device is correct.
    2. Please make sure the Security Code or Verification Code you inputted to e-banking is correct.
    3. Please make sure the Security Code or Verification Code you inputted is not expired.
    4. Please generate the Security Code or Verification Code again according to the e-banking instruction.
    If the Security Code or Verification Code is still not accepted, please contact (852) 2287 6767.
    6.36 Can I change the battery of the Security Device myself?
      Security Device battery cannot be replace, please replace a new Security Device through e-banking.
    6.37 I have activated my new Security Device, How should I dispose of my Security Device?
      After activating your new Security Device, old Security Device is invalidated, please disposal at your location.
      CNCBI Token (will be unavailable for personal internet banking customers to use since 19 Feb 2023. Please activate device binding and security code on inMotion as soon as possible).
    6.38 What is a CNCBI Token?

    CNCBI Token is equivalent to the Security Device to provide another two-factor authentication method. CNCBI Token is a, unique Mobile Application, can be used as a replacement for the Security Device. It can only be registered to one device at a time, for conducting any for transactions required two-factor authentication.

    6.39 Why is CNCBI offering me a CNCBI Token?

    CNCBI Token is a unique Mobile Application designed to work on Mobile devices. It means you are no need to carry the Security Device with you, and offers a more convenient way to access our e-banking services. Also, CNCBI Token can only be registered on your Mobile device, which provides an additional level of security.

    6.40 How do I register CNCBI Token on my mobile device?

    Please login i-banking or inMotion to register CNCBI Token service. Download the CNCBI Token app on your mobile device and follow the instructions to complete the activation process. Please note that you need to have a valid mobile phone number registered in our banking in order to activate the CNCBI Token.

    6.41 Can I register CNCBI Token on more than one device?

    For security reasons, your CNCBI Token can only be registered to one device at a time. If you would like to change the mobile device which your CNCBI Token registered to, please login i-banking or inMotion to deactivate CNCBI Token service. Then complete the CNCBI Token registration process again with your new mobile device.

    6.42 Can I use CNCBI Token with my tablet?

    CNCBI Token is supported on IOS and Android devices, including tablets, running the latest operating systems and versions of the CNCBI Token app. Please go to Apple App Store or Google Play Store search "CNCBI Token" and download the App. For IPAD user, please select "only for iPhone app" and search "CNCBI Token".

    6.43 What happens if I want to stop using my Mobile Security Key activated mobile device?

    Before you discard your mobile device, you need to deactivate your CNCBI Token. Please login i-banking or inMotion to complete the deactivation. Also, please delete the CNCBI Token App on your mobile device as well.
    We recommend that you also reset your old device to factory settings after deactivation.

    6.44 What happens if CNCBI Token registered mobile device is lost or stolen?

    Please call our customer service hotline (852) 2287 6767 and we will immediately deactivate your CNCBI Token service. Or you may login i-banking or inMotion to deactivate CNCBI Token service, prevent anyone else from accessing your account.

    6.45 What can I do if I forgot my CNCBI Token password?

    You may log in to i-banking or inMotion to deactivate CNCBI Token service. Then re-download CNCBI Token application, activate CNCBI Token and reset password on your mobile device. Please note that you must keep a valid mobile phone number and email address in the Bank’s record to reset CNCBI Token.

    6.46 What transactions will require CNCBI Token?

    When you are performing the designed transactions, you are required to use CNCBI Token for identity verification during the process, which includes:

    1. Create transfer template to new payee^
    2. Transfer to non-registered payee(s)^
    3. Create remittance template^
    4. Create bill payment template high risk merchants^
    5. Change email address/ mobile number/ address ^
    6. Accessing Investments Service
    7. Increase Daily Transaction Limit
    8. eDDA confirmation*^

    ^ If you‘ve just activated / reactivated CNCBI Token, this high-risk payment transactions and change of personal information will be unavailable temporarily for 6 hours. We will notify you once CNCBI Token is completely set up.
    * i-banking only.

    6.47 Can I use the Security Device and CNCBI Token at the same time?

    Customer can activate and use the Security Device and CNCBI Token at the moment.

    6.48 Can others use my CNCBI Token activated device to log on to their inMotion?

    CNCBI Token is activated on your personal device, which is only registered with your personal accounts. Other users cannot login to their inMotion using your CNCBI Token for identity verification.

    6.49 Why am I unable to perform fund transfer to a non-registered payee transactions after activating device binding or CNCBI Token over 6 hours?

    To safeguard your account, fund transfer to a non-registered payee is temporarily unavailable as you’ve just activated / reactivated your CNCBI Token and enabled device binding on your device. Once you have received the notification about the CNCBI Token setup completion, you just need to perform any of successful transaction(s) below via i-banking to resume fund transfer to non-registered payee via i-banking.
    - Create transfer template to new payee
    - Create remittance template
    - Create bill payment template high risk merchants
    - Change email address/ mobile number/ address

    If you have also enabled device binding, once you have received the notification about the Device Binding setup completion, you just need to perform any of successful transaction(s) below with your bound device via inMotion APP to resume fund transfer to non-registered payee via i-banking.
    - Register or transfer to new payee
    - Create remittance template
    - Create bill payment template- high risk merchants
    - Small-value fund transfer

    6.50 Can I use someone else’s device as my CNCBI Token if I don’t have my own device with me?

    The CNCBI Token is registered to your personal device. We strongly recommended that you register the CNCBI Token on the device that you commonly use.

    6.51 How can I no longer use the CNCBI Token on a jailbroken/rooted device anymore, what should I do?

    Since your device is jailbroken/rooted, your device may be less secure and may lead to fraudulent transactions. For security, you will not be allowed to use CNCBI Token. Please use another non-jailbroken/rooted device to register CNCBI Token service again.


    7.1 How can I contact you?
      Please refer to the below hyperlink.
    7.2 What can I do when I encounter problems during my transactions online?
      Please call our hotline on (852) 2287-6767 during business hours to contact our Product Specialist.
    7.3 Are there any emails we will send to customer regularly?
      We will send you different email communications whenever we want to give you a courteous greeting, transaction alerts or security advice
    7.4 What should I do if I found a dispute on the ATM Card transaction ?
      Cardholder is required to submit the application form for disputed ATM Card transaction investigation to the bank.
    You can visit to download the application form.
    7.5 What should I do if I found a dispute on the credit card transaction?
      Cardholder is required to submit the application form for disputed credit card transaction investigation to the bank.
    You can visit to download the application form.


    8.1 Who is eligible to open One account?
      Online applicant must:
    - Age 18 or above
    - Not be / not be acting for, or on behalf of a U.S. person (including a citizen or resident of the United States) or resident of Canada for purposes of U.S. or Canada tax laws
    - Not employed by any licensed corporation or registered institution as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (except for China CITIC Bank International)
    - Have HKD / multi-currency account in China CITIC Bank International
    - No same type of account in China CITIC Bank International previously
    8.2 When will be the account eligible to trade after the online application submitted?

    The One Account will be ready for trade immediately after it was opened successfully.

    8.3 What currency(ies) can I open in Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account (MCSSA) ?
      You can open total 12 currencies by one single MCSSA account. They are:
    - HKD
    - USD
    - JPY
    - CHF
    - GBP
    - AUD
    - NZD
    - CAD
    - SGD
    - CNY
    - NOK
    - EUR
    8.4 Can I use the Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account (MCSSA) once it is opened?
      The MCSSA will be effective immediately after successful account opening. However, the cash withdrawal services (cash withdrawal / transfer out) at branch will be available in 2 business days after successful account opening.
    8.5 Can I open Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account (MCSSA) for joint-name account via i-banking service?
      No, you can only open Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account (MCSSA) by single name only.
    8.6 What is the service hours for online Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account (MCSSA) opening?
      The service hours for online Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account (MCSSA) opening is as below:
    Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 8:00pm
    8.7 My online application is being rejected, who can help?

    Please record the reject code as well as the reject message and contact our Customer Service Hotline (852) 2287 6767 for enquiry.

    8.8 What is the address verification for opening One Account?

    To open One Account, the Bank has to verify your residential address before you can proceed. If you have never provided your residential address proof to the Bank or your residential address has not been verified, you are required to complete the address verification in order to continue to open a One Account.

    Upon One Account opening through inMotion or i-banking, you can request for an address verification letter which will be mailed to your residential address at bank record in 5-7 business days. A one-time activation code will be embedded in the letter and you are required to complete the verification process by entering the one-time activation code according to the instructions on the letter in order to continue with the One Account opening.

    8.9 What is the general process and documents/information required for opening a Deposit account at branch?
      Please refer to the below hyperlink for details.


    9.1 Can I subscribe the eStatement / eAdvice?
      Existing personal i-banking customers registered email address can subscribe the eStatement / eAdvice for their own name accounts. Joint account is not applicable for the eStatement / eAdvice subscription at this moment.
    9.2 What account can be subscribed for the eStatement?
      Including but not limited to:
    1. Savings Account
    2. Current Accounts
    3. NOW Account
    4. Multi-Currency Statement Savings Account
    5. Credit Cards
    6. CITICfirst Consolidated statement
    7. Private Banking Consolidated statement
    9.3 How can I subscribe the eStatement / eAdvice?
      You can login to ibanking, then click "My Accounts" -> "eStatement" -> "Maintenance" for subscription.
    9.4 Will I receive paper statement after the eStatement / eAdvice subscription?
    9.5 Will I receive any notification when the eStatement / eAdvice is ready?
      i-banking will send an email alert to your email address registered in i-banking.
    9.6 How can I view the eStatement / eAdvice?
      You can login to ibanking, then click "My Accounts" -> "eStatement" -> "View eStatement" / “View eAdvice” to view eStatement / eAdvice.
    9.7 How long of the eStatement / eAdvice history I can view?
      You can view eStatements and eAdvices for 7 years and 90 days (“retention period”) respectively from the issue dates, unless you close all your accounts or relevant e-Banking services with the Bank. After the retention period, you will no longer have access to such e-Statements / eAdvices. We suggest that you save or print your e-Statements / eAdvices before the end of the retention period.
    9.8 What is the cut off time of the eStatement subscription / unsubscription?
      The cut off time of the eStatement subscription / unsubscription is the last business date on or before statement date.
    9.9 Can I view the existing eStatement / eAdvice after unsubscription?
      Yes, you can continue to view the existing eStatements and eAdvices for 7 years and 90 days (“retention period”) respectively from the issue dates, unless you close all your accounts or relevant e-Banking services with the Bank. After the retention period, you will no longer have access to such e-Statements / eAdvices. We suggest that you save or print all the e-Statements / eAdvices before unsubscribing the eStatement / eAdvice service.
    9.10 What can I do if I would like to receive the paper statement / advice again?
      You can login to i-banking, then click "My Accounts" -> "eStatement" -> "Maintenance" for the eStatement / eAdvice unsubscription, we will resume the delivery of paper statement / advice from the next issuance to your registered address. We suggest that you save or print all the e-Statements / eAdvices before switching to paper statements.
    9.11 Why I cannot view the Promotional offers of the eStatement?
      Because you have opt-out to view the Promotional offers of Statement. Please contact our Product Specialist through Direct Banking hotline at (852) 2287 6767 for assistance.

    WeChat Binding

    10.1 What is WeChat Account Binding?

    WeChat Binding is a pioneering customer's experience that customer can use their social network app "WeChat" to communicate with peers in one hand, and receive their bank accounts alert messages on the other hand.
    Customer only need to "Follow" CNCBI WeChat Official Account (ID: cncbintl) and complete the "WeChat Binding". Once there is a specific status on their bank account or credit card account, we will send the alert message to customer via WeChat. Please note that the alert message is only available in Simplified Chinese at this stage.

    10.2 How to activate the "WeChat Binding" in WeChat?

    Customer can click "WeChat Binding" from the menu of CNCBI WeChat Official Account (ID: cncbintl) and register with your credit card, i-banking or phone banking account. Upon registration, the WeChat Binding is activated successfully.

    10.3 How to check my status of WeChat Binding?

    - After binding, customer will receive our confirmation alert by SMS and email immediately.
    - Customer can also access i-banking -> My Online Setup -> WeChat Binding to check your binding status.

    10.4 If I have more than one bank account in CNCBI, which account will be bound after binding?

    All of your personal bank accounts and credit cards will be bound, no matter completing the binding process by i-banking, Phone Banking or Credit Card account registration.

    10.5 Will the Email / SMS alert service be suspended after completing the WeChat Binding?
      No, WeChat alert is an additional service, the current email and SMS service will not be affected.
    10.6 Why no alert message is received after completing the specific online transaction?
      Even customer has activated the WeChat Binding, customer has to select "Activate Confirmation Alert" during the online transaction of Fund Transfer, Bill Payment and Time Deposit Setup in i-banking for triggering the WeChat alert message.
    10.7 Can I select the language of WeChat Alert Message?
      Only Simplified Chinese is available at this stage.
    10.8 If I have more than one WeChat account, can I activate the binding service with all of them simultaneously?
      No, every customer can only bind one WeChat account. Customer has to perform unbinding before using another WeChat account for binding.
    10.9 What should I do if I changed my mobile phone?
      Upon using the same WeChat account, there is no impact to our Binding Service. However, customer is advised to log in i-banking service or visit our branch to update the personal information.
    10.10 What should I do if I lost my mobile phone?
      We suggest customer to call our customer services hotline (852) 2287 6767 immediately to unbind the service. You can resume the service by binding the account again if necessary.
    10.11 If I deleted my WeChat app, will it affect the "WeChat Binding" service?
      No, the binding status is still active when you download the WeChat app again. However, we suggest customer to check the binding status after reinstall the app.
    10.12 How to cancel WeChat Binding (Unbinding)?
      1. You can visit our WeChat Official Account (ID: cncbintl), press " Account Service", then "WeChat Binding" to unbind.
    2. If you have lost your mobile phone, you can call our customer services hotline (852) 2287 6767 for Unbinding after identity verification. You can resume the service by binding the account again if necessary.

    Biometric Authentication Login

    11.1 How do I activate biometric authentication login?

    You can activate the biometric authentication login on your mobile device by following the instruction on the screen.

    Biometric authentication login currently supports Touch ID or Face ID login for iOS devices, and fingerprint login for Andriod devices.


    12.1 What is "FPS" Addressing Service?

    Addressing service allows you to register your mobile number, email address, FPS identifier or HKID number (each is referred to as a “Proxy ID”) to "FPS" service provided by HKICL to receive payment via the registered “Proxy ID”.

    12.2 Can I link up my mobile number, email address, FPS identifier or HKID number to multiple CNCBI accounts?

    Yes, you can register and link up your mobile number, email address, FPS identifier or HKID number to one HKD account and one CNY account respectively. You can assign our Bank (CNCBI) as the "FPS" default account for receiving money with your mobile number and/or email address. If the mobile number or email address is the first registration in "FPS" Addressing Service, the record would be automatically set as your "FPS" default account.

    12.3 Can I also register "FPS" Addressing Service in other banks?

    You can register "FPS" Addressing Service in other banks and to enquire your non-CNCBI addressing records if you have registered addressing record with us.

    12.4 If I would like to update my mobile number / email address, what can I do?

    If you would like to update your mobile number/ email address with us, please log in i-banking service and go to “My Online Set Up” > “Change Mobile Number”/ "Change Email Address" by using Security Device or CNCBI Token, or visit any of our branches.

    Please note that your registration for FPS addressing service with the existing mobile number/ email address, if any, will be cancelled once your change request is submitted. Please register your updated contact information in FPS addressing service so to make sure you can receive funds from others.

    12.5 Which account is my default account for receiving funds?

    Simple, just select the account preferred to be the default account for receiving funds if you have registered "FPS" Addressing Service with more than one "FPS" service providers.

    If an account is terminated as the default account by you or by the relevant service provider for any reason, the most recently registered record in the Addressing Service will be assigned as the default account.

    12.6 Unable to register Addressing Service with my email address?

    "FPS" Addressing Service registration does not support email address with more than 34 characters.


    13.1 What is eDDA Service?

    "eDDA Service" means a service provided by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL) as part of HKICL Faster Payment System (FPS) to facilitate customers to set up direct debit authorisation. Some kinds of eDDA setup will be processed automatically after initiation while some eDDA request needs your confirmation to complete the setup.

    13.2 What should I do if I receive notification for an incoming eDDA confirmation request?

    If you have an eDDA request pending your confirmation, we will notify you by SMS and email alert. Please log in to our i-banking (Banking > eDDA Confirmation) to submit the confirmation using "Security Device" or "CNCBI Token" in 4 calendar days. Otherwise, the eDDA request will be cancelled.

    13.3 Is there any limit to each direct debit instruction for eDDA?

    If there is payment limit setup in the eDDA, the limit of each payment will depend on that payment limit. In addition, to protect our customer, the Bank has preset customer daily limit for direct debit payment which may be different from the payment limit setup in the relevant eDDA. Among the two different limits, the lower limit will be applied. Please click here for details.

    13.4 How can I cancel eDDA?

    If you would like to cancel eDDA, please visit any of our branches for assistance.

    Open API

    14.1 What is Open API?

    Application programming interface (API) is a computer programming approach for facilitating exchange of information and executing instructions between different computer systems. Open APIs refer to APIs that allow third party access to systems of an organization. You may click here to watch a video provided by HKMA of how customers use banking services on websites or applications of TSP via Open API (Chinese version only).

    FPS Scam prevention alert

    15.1 If I find my payee ’s FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is being flagged as a high risk alert, how can I remove it?

    The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please contact them at if you think the FPS proxy IDs / bank account numbers / SVF account numbers are not tagged correctly or if you think there is an error with the information/alert.

    15.2 Will Bank / SVF operator be able to help to remove my FPS proxy IDs / bank account numbers / SVF account numbers from the high risk alert?

    No, the Bank / SVF operator cannot do the deletion. The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please contact them at if you think the FPS proxy IDs / account numbers are not tagged correctly or if you think there is an error with the information/alert.

    15.3 If I want to report a suspicious FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number, what should I do?

    The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. If you suspect a crime case has occurred, please call “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” hotline for assistance. If you suspect that you have fallen prey to a scam, please report to the Hong Kong Police Force at a police station or via Hong Kong Police Force e-Report Centre ( or

    15.4 If there is no high risk alert message relating to my payee does it guarantee it is safe to transfer to him/her?

    No, it is not guaranteed. The alert message will only be shown if the payee ’s FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is included in the scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.
    You are advised to always verify the payment details (including the payee ’s identity) of every single transaction before making payment.

    15.5 Why is my payee ’s FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number previously not tagged in the high risk alert but now being tagged?

    The FPS proxy IDs / bank account number / SVF account number flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the high risk alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.

    15.6 What is the source of the high risk alert and how is my private information being protected?

    The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please visit the webpage of Scameter ( for more details.

    15.7 Why I found my FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number being shown as the high risk alert when doing transfer? I did not commit any crime!

    According to the record provided by the Hong Kong Police Force, your FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is related to a scam report. Please contact them at if you think the FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is not tagged correctly.

    15.8a I discovered my payee's mobile number / account number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank / SVF operator did not alert me when I nowtry to make payment to this FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number?

    The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force and updated from time to time on a daily basis. Please check again that the payee is trustworthy before you proceed with the transaction.

    15.8b I discovered my payee 's mobile number / account number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank / SVF operator did not alert me when I previously made payment to this FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number?

    The FPS proxy IDs flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the high risk alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular proxy ID / account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.

    15.9 How would I know if my payee ’s mobile number / email address / FPS Identifier / bank account / SVF account is flagged for high risk alert?

    You can check Scameter ( to see if it is flagged as “High Risk”. When performing a transaction with use of FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number, email address, or FPS Identifier) / bank account / SVF account via internet banking / mobile banking app / SVF app/ bank counter/ ATM, the Bank / SVF will display a high risk alert message for those FPS proxy IDs / bank accounts / SVF accounts flagged in the scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. You are advised not to make any transactions to the payee unless you have carefully verified the payee ’s identity and ensure that the payee is trustworthy.

    15.10 If I confirm to the bank to proceed with a transfer with FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number/email address/FPS Identifier) / bank account / SVF account flagged as “High Risk” and subsequently realize being scammed, what should I do?

    If you suspect you have been scammed, you may visit a police station or the Hong Kong Police Force e-Report Centre ( or to file a report. In tandem, please report the case to the Bank.

    15.11 If a payee ’s mobile number is flagged as “High Risk”, will his/her email address / FPS Identifier / bank account number / SVF account number also be flagged by the high risk alert?

    The FPS proxy IDs / bank account number / SVF account number flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the high risk alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID / account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert. `

    15.12 Can I confirm and accept the high risk alert message and make transfer to the FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number on the high risk alert?

    Yes, you can, but please be reminded that the transaction has high risk of fraud. You are advised to always verify the payment details (including the payee’s identity) of every single transaction before making payment.